Monday 8 December 2014

Great People; Failure is their tamed horse.

When everybody  leaves, they comeOne afternoon of 346 BCE, astounded king Phillip, was looking at big wigs of his army failing one by one in front of too wild, unmanageable but amazing  horse- 'Bucephalus'
Consensus was building in arena that the horse (Bucephalus) is too wild to ride and thus unfit for army. After last failed attempt, soldiers said we are helpless.
"You are not helpless, You are spineless," a voice raised from the crowd. The voice was of 15 year old Alexander. King Philips resisted with words" You think, you are better than people more than double your age." Unfazed Alexander again challenged and again laughter erupted in arena, thinking him fool. Amid laughter, Alexander reached close to horse and start moving around it, it didn't took him long to observe that horse is not afraid of people, but to its own shadow. He made horse move in the direction of sun, thus shadow was behind horse, away from his eyes and this made horse calmed down, Alexander mounted horse and started riding it across arena. Laugh of spectators turned in cheers.This proved him a born master strategist. Alexander courage was so big, that what Macedonia, whole world looked small before it.
                                     "BIG AGE DOESN'T MEAN BIG WISDOM." 
    "I have seen people at the verge of completing their life, but unable to give you one teaching of life," PIYUSH JHA

Tuesday 1 May 2012

The Lion vs The Tiger

Despite the king of Wild, Lion always lose, if there is a fight between a tiger and a lion. So, the Question Rises - Why did Lion considered  as the 'Apex Predator' in wild kingdom.
Answer is simple and comes in a single line- Because of their Fearless and courageous attitude.
To clarify it more, You can suppose a situation where, a Lion and a Tiger comes face to face in jungle. At this point,Tiger always try their best to run away or to escape from the fight, but the bold attitude of lion don't let him escape.
And, here the tables got turned and Tiger have little or no option rather than fight and this proves deadly for  lion and fight comes to an end with the death of the lion in less than 1 minute.Tiger always have upper hands due to his over weight which is more than 50kg than a lion on an average.
Due to this, Tiger crush the spine of lion from the single impact of his powerful paws.